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HEERF III -美国救援计划,2021 (ARP)


S十大赌博信誉网站和A & M学院(机构)从美国政府获得了额外的补充资金.S. 教育部, 这需要机构使用的同样的保证, 或者打算使用, no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 2003(a)(1) of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) to provide Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students on are after 3月13日, 2020, 宣布国家紧急状态的日期.  


T美国救援计划-十大赌博信誉网站CFDA# 84.425E,奖励编号P425E200926,奖励金额13,608,263美元.  截至2021年11月18日,ARP法案-十大赌博信誉网站部分退款共计6,779,400美元.5916名十大赌博信誉网站,00. 

美国救援计划-机构CFDA# 84.425F,奖励编号P425F201887,奖励金额13,485,359美元.

美国救援计划-紧急救济基金CFDA# 84.425J,奖励编号P425J2000055,奖励金额37,037,074美元.  


The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 Grants (Student Portion) distributed to students under Section 2003(a)(1) of the ARP is a total of $6,779,400至11月30日, 2021. 

The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 Grants (Student Portion) distributed to students under Section 2003(a)(1) of the ARP is a total of $6,779,400至12月31日, 2021. 

The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 Grants (Student Portion) distributed to students under Section 2003(a)(1) of the ARP is a total of $6,779,400至3月31日, 2022. 

The institution continues to distribute the funds as the students meet the requirements to receive the funds.


The estimated total number of SUBR 十大赌博信誉网站在 the institution who are or could be eligible to participate in the Federal student financial aid programs under Section 101 or 102(c) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 修订的, and thus are eligible to receive Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students under Section 2003(a)(1) of the ARP is 5940 2021年秋季学期的十大赌博信誉网站.

The estimated total number of SUBR 十大赌博信誉网站在 the institution who are or could be eligible to participate in the Federal student financial aid programs under Section 101 or 102(c) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 修订的, and thus are eligible to receive Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students under Section 2003(a)(1) of the ARP is 5144 2022年春季学期的十大赌博信誉网站.


The total number of SUBR students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 2003(a)(1) of the ARP is 5916 十大赌博信誉网站在 11/30/2021

The total number of students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the HEERF III - ARP is 5920 十大赌博信誉网站在 12/31/2021.

The total number of students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the HEERF III - ARP is 5920 十大赌博信誉网站在 3/31/2022.


The method(s) used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency 金融援助 Grants and how much they would receive under Section 2003(a)(1) of the ARP includes 以下几点:  

  • The institution determined which students enrolled during 宣布国家紧急状态的日期, 3月13日, 2020, would receive Emergency 金融援助 Grants provided by the CRRSAA Funding by using the following information.
  • 因COVID-19大流行而有最重大需求的申请人, 比如获得PELL助学金的十大赌博信誉网站. 然而, students do not need to be only PELL recipients or students who are eligible for PELL Grants.
  • 申请人可以完全在线注册.
  • 申请人 can be non-degree seeking, non-credit, dual enrollment and continuing education students. 此外,合格的外国人,包括难民和获得庇护的人的十大赌博信誉网站.
  • 申请人 that have left school for any reason during the period of the national emergency beginning 3月13日, 2020, 宣布国家紧急状态的日期.

十大赌博信誉网站们得到了指导, 方向, 和/或该机构关于紧急财政援助赠款的指导.  除了, students were asked to complete a dynamic form to meet the requirements to receive the funds and once completed it was routed to Cashier’s Office.


The links for the quarterly reports for the Institutional Portion and HBCU award are shown below.


Please see the chart below that shows the total Institutional Portion and the HBCU Award Amount Disbursed to 十大赌博信誉网站 by the Institution by Quarter for HEERF III.


请看下面的图表,显示了十大赌博信誉网站部分, Institutional Portion and the HBCU Award Total Amount Received by the Institution by Quarter for HEERF I, II和III.  这些金额包括十大赌博信誉网站和A.&M. 大学, the Southern University Law Center and Southern University Agricultural 研究 and Extension Center distributions/expenses.  所有奖项包括十大赌博信誉网站分配和/或机构退款给十大赌博信誉网站.  


Institutional Portion and the HBCU Award Amount Disbursed to 十大赌博信誉网站 by the Institution by Quarter
HEERF的链接1, 机构部分和HBCU奖项的第二和第三季度报告如下所示.


Lost revenue is defined as revenues an institution of higher education otherwise expected but were reduced or eliminated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

对于机构部分的项目,收入损失的补偿是允许的. Lost revenue must be associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and can be estimated for the period from the declaration of the national emergency, 3月13日, 2020, 直到演出结束.

与COVID-19大流行相关的收入损失来源可能包括, 但或不限于, 以下几点:

  • 学术资源
    • 学费, 费用, and institutional charges (including unpaid student accounts receivable or other student account debt)
    • 食宿
    • 入学人数下降,包括学费、杂费和机构收费的减少
    • 支持研究
    • 夏季学期及夏令营
  • 辅助服务来源
    • 取消附属活动
    • 食物服务中断
    • 宿舍服务
    • 托儿服务
    • 使用设施或场地, 包括外部活动,如婚礼, 招待会, or conferences (other than facilities associated with sectarian instruction or religious worship)
    • 书店的收入
    • 租赁收入
    • 版税
    • 其他营业收入


  • 使用上一年度的同比比较.
  • 使用前一学期的学期间比较.
  • 以3年或5年的综合平均收入作为基准收入进行比较;
  • A comparison to previously budgeted revenue or projected revenue for the period; or
  • 一个会计年度的3月13日之前与基准年度进行比较, 2020, 国家紧急状态声明.

Lost revenue calculations must be consistent with the cost principles of the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR part 200 subpart E) as follows:

  • 得到一致的待遇;
  • 持续衡量基准收入和损失收入;
  • Be consistent with policies and procedures that apply uniformly to federally financed and other activities of the institution;
  • Not include the estimated amount of lost revenue for the HEERF programs in the calculation of lost revenue for another Federal program;
  • Not include any refunds previously provided to students in the institution’s estimate of lost revenue.

Documents that the institution retains to support its estimate of lost revenue include financial records, 支持文档, 统计记录, and all other institutional records pertinent to lost revenue and the administration of the HEERF grant programs generally for a period of three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report (2 CFR 200.334).  

The below chart shows the amount of loss revenue the university will be or has requested for reimbursement from academic and auxiliary sources that was reduced or eliminated due to the COVID-19 pandemic by quarter for HEERF III. (注:截至3月31日,学校未提取任何损失收入资金, 从HEERF III到2022年.



  1. 报告必须在10点前寄出th每个季度结束后的第二天.
  2. 报告必须只包括所报告的季度的数据.

* 2022年6月28日修订